The WRF is organizing the first of a series of global webinars on July 30th in preparation for COP29. This webinar will be held via Zoom and will have simultaneous translation in Spanish, English, and French.

July 22, 2024 – With COP29 on the horizon in Baku, Azerbaijan, the World Rural Forum is organizing a series of international webinars focused on empowering family farmers’ organizations to tackle climate change. These events will address fundamental issues to be discussed at the summit, providing practical tools to face global challenges.

The first webinar in this series will cover the available climate finance mechanisms and how family farmers’ organizations can access them.

WEBINAR 1: Climate Finance Mechanisms for Family Farmers’ Organizations

  • Date: July 30, 2024
  • Time: 2pm – 4pm (CET)
  • Context: This event comes at a crucial moment in international negotiations, as COP29 will discuss key elements related to the future of climate finance. Family farmers, crucial in the transformation towards sustainable, viable, and resilient food systems, received only 0.3% of international climate finance in 2021, despite significantly investing in adaptation to ensure global food security.
  • Objective: This webinar will delve into the available climate finance mechanisms, as well as the opportunities and challenges faced by family farmers’ organizations in accessing these resources. Successful experiences in obtaining funds will also be shared to foster a joint reflection.
  • Agenda: Download here
  • Language: Simultaneous interpretation available in English, Spanish, and French
  • Webinar Access: Zoom Link (No prior registration required).
  • Add this event to your calendar

This webinar series in preparation for COP29 represents not only a valuable learning opportunity but also a call to action for family farmers’ organizations to prepare and actively participate in the debates that will define the future of climate finance and national climate plans.

The WRF will soon share more information about upcoming webinars.